Our Services
'From Planning to Completion'
Development can be a rewarding and exciting experience, but it also has the ability to be stressful and risky if you hit a complication through the process. Bespoke P&D can provide more than just your town planning approval. We are experts at navigating you through complex approval processes and providing cost-effective and efficient project delivery.
Our services include: 1. Site due diligence & feasibility;2. Prelodgement & development applications;3. Development assessment & development approvals;4. Post approval & site construction;5. Plan sealing.
Understanding The Process
Your development builds on the success of previous stages, and the ability to remove risk and uncertainty requires you to engage a town planning consultant early in the project. It is important that you engage a Brisbane town planner that understands the whole process, not just the development approval.
Where do i start?
Once you contact us, Bespoke P&D will give you free preliminary advice about your site. We will assess your application against the planning scheme to understand assessment triggers, zoning, overlays and other site considerations such as slope and infrastructure.
We seek to ensure you are comfortable and confident with the site before committing a purchase. Whilst the exact cost of a development approval depends on the type of development, as well as the complexity of the project and site specific characteristics of the project, we can assist you with understanding and seeking costs to deliver it through to completion. When compared to each other, subdivision costs Brisbane, Redlands, Moreton Bay, Ipswich, Logan and Gold Coast, will often vary greatly.
Bespoke P&D will then prepare a town planning report, addressing any issues that the development has against the local government planning scheme. The Brisbane town plan is the Brisbane City Plan 2014. Once you are ready lodge the application, your application will be assigned a Brisbane City Council town planner who reviews the information and distributes it internally to a range of Council specialists. Bespoke P&D continue to manage the discussion with Council and the specialists to identify and resolve issues and achieve an approval quickly.
So engage a town planner, who specialises in both town planning and development to ensure your project is delivered through to completion, on time and in budget.
What Is Town Planning?
Town planning in its simplest form, is about managing land uses and activities on a parcel of land. Town planners have expertise assessing the characteristics of this use or activity against the provisions of a local government’s planning scheme which includes planning tools such as zoning map (see image).
Once a town planner has determined the level of compliance and any identified any site specific issues, they will guide a you through the Council and/or State Government application processes through to the decision. If approved, the decision will usually be what’s known as a ‘Development Permit’ which will give you a detailed set of development conditions and requirements for your project to go ahead.
There are three 'levels' of development assesment.
What are the Levels of Planning Assessment?
There are four types of applications, including Material Change of Use, Reconfiguring a Lot (also known as a Subdivision), Building Work and Operational Works. In addition to these four types, there a three levels of assessment, formally known as categories of assessment. These are:• Accepted Development –
Where no development application is required;
• Code Assessment – Where a development application is required to be prepared to assess the development against a set of specific codes; and,
• Impact Assessment – Where the application is technically assessable against the whole planning scheme and public notification will be required.
• Impact Assessment – Where the application is technically assessable against the whole planning scheme and public notification will be required.